From Disaster, Emergency Shelters, Refugee Housing And Longer-Term Housing For The Displaced, We Have You Covered
From disaster, emergency shelters, refugee housing and longer-term housing for the displaced, we have you covered at KIRO ACTION. Our base size, measuring 400 square feet (37 square meters), has a functioning bathroom and kitchen using our patent-pending rollaway feature. If 400 sq ft is too small or large, our modular building design can be increased in 200 sq ft increments with ease, meaning you can have a customized unit that is 200 sq ft to 1000 sq ft (and above). Our design team can work with you to configure units that meet the exact specifications needed, to scale.
KIRO ACTION is versatile and adaptable to any environment because it can be used with or without a concrete foundation. If you do have a concrete foundation, our units bolt into the foundation, just like a typical home or commercial building, making it a permanent structure. If you do not have a concrete foundation, our patent-pending, folding base structure allows you to quickly and easily put the units anywhere, such as in a parking lot or a field. If there is electricity and water on the property, utilities merely plug into the structure. If you don’t have water or electricity available, we have customized services solutions that will feed up to15-units at a time, with water storage tanks, electricity through a generator, and a waste water disposal tank. Our services solution makes installation scalable up to hundreds of deployed units, even without ready access to city and electrical water lines.
The following are some markets that could utilize the KIRO ACTION solution.
Our team has direct experience in refugee camps, both as refugees themselves and as working with government agencies. We understand the issues of playing the balance of a governmental organization trying to do good on a budget and within limitations set by the host government. We understand people don’t want to live in a tent-like structure, but the limitations set by some countries to not have permanent housing is an obstacle to giving the necessary shelter to shield them from the cold and heat. We understand that NGO’s and world organizations can’t spend hundreds-of-thousands of dollars per unit and logistical issues hamper most options. At KIRO ACTION, we understood all these issues and worked backwards to find a solution that is respectable to the people using the product, cost efficient for mass deployment, longer-term housing that is not permanent and fixed logistical issues all before we made our first prototype.
While we believe permanent housing is always the best solution, KIRO ACTION homes are built to last up to twenty-years and can serve as a model for housing that bridges the gap between temporary housing and permanent residency. Governments with large refugee camps are hesitant to give away land to build permanent housing that creates generations of refugees. At KIRO ACTION, we can deploy our units on unused land to temporarily but respectably house refugees and people in need. KIRO ACTION units are deployable, collapsible, flat-packed, put together in two-hours by three people with no heavy tools or machinery.
Rather than having refugees congregate in tents under an underpass in a large capital, sleep on benches or make shelters in wooded areas, we have the solution for cities in a respectable and humane manner that gets the refugee that is encountering homelessness a place to call home. A physical home creates safety and is the first obstacle in getting back on track to having a successful life. More importantly, families can stay together. All of our KIRO ACTION homes can be placed in empty parking lots or various fields that have a water and electrical connection; even if there is no water or electricity connection, we have a solution to offer “off-grid” solutions feeding the homes water, electricity and waste water containment. KIRO ACTION homes can be but practically anywhere to serve people in need
Our options to deal with refugee housing doesn’t cost hundreds of thousands of dollars per unit, and is for a 200 sq ft (19 sq m) home, complete with a fully functioning kitchen and bathroom. Our units can be increased or decreased in 200 sq ft increments in size with our patent-pending grid system. Utilizing our base building solutions, the local and customized products can be delivered quickly and to specifications that meet local cultural norms.
Within our anticipated opening of international manufacturing lines, we have the ability to service the Middle East, SW Asia and parts of Africa that require our solution in a quick and efficient manner. Our creation of local manufacturing plants mean that we build product locally to serve local people and needs. Logistical issues can be minimized because we build where the final customer needs the KIRO ACTION HOUSING product. We don’t need to ship a unit halfway across the world with delays in shipping and customs: refugees and people affected by homelessness need options today. Our patent-pending solution recycles, upcycles and reuses concrete left in war-ravaged cities, creating new structures from the old and destroyed.
Our goal at KIRO ACTION is to give the homeless and unsheltered a first step towards positive change: housing. From this essential foundation of stable housing, government organizations and programs can support the transition from homeless refugee to productive citizens in the community.
Calamity hits everywhere, and sometimes, annually in the same places. Hurricanes, wildfires, and flooding wreak havoc on neighborhoods and communities. We understand that the first step of getting a life back on track is a safe space to sleep at night. The beauty of KIRO ACTION homes is our patent-pending foldout building method that allow for swift action in times of crisis. Government and NGO groups can efficiently warehouse hundreds and thousands of units, deploying them quickly in time of need. They can be put together in two-hours with no heavy machinery or equipment, three people can put a 200-400 sq ft unit together with ease. This allows government agencies to be nimble and responsive to large-scale disasters that hit entire communities. Every government emergency plan should include a scalable and immediately deployable housing option in time of calamity.

A message on why we chose KIRO ACTION as our name….
Everything we are doing to address the general homeless population and veteran homelessness is in our name. “KIRO” (岐路) combines the definitions of “crossroad” and “forked road”. Many people in need of housing are at a crossroads in life, whether from a natural disaster or as a veteran who has fallen on hard times, homes provide an essential support at a critical juncture in their lives. The ability to get out of their situation becomes harder without a proper place to sleep. Getting that assistance to better their situation is the ultimate crossroads decision to better make an important decision to impact their life for the better. Our organization is the “ACTION” to help inspire people in need to better their situation, and as a team, we are providing the actionable solutions to local and federal governments with a cost-efficient solution. We hope at KIRO ACTION HOUSING SOLUTIONS to help play an important role in addressing various needs, while serving different markets with our unique products.